Girls Volleyball

Rachel Bennett

More stories from Rachel Bennett

This week the Davis Darts Volleyball team will be playing Syracuse onTuesday, September 17, 2019 and Clearfield on Thursday, September 19,2019 both are home games. The Darts have a record of 10-5 and have had agreat season thus far.I had the opportunity to get insider info from Davis’s own LizDewsnup, who is a senior on the Dart’s varsity team this season. Sheexpressed to me her concerns and aspirations for this season and theupcoming game this week. She expressed that team work and separatingdrama from games is the most important component to a winning season.Once the girls are able to let go of what happened at other games and focuson what is right in front of them and cheer each other success can beachieved.


At the game against Syracuse, Davis lost with a score of 3-1 overall.Davis won the second match and lost the other three. They were able toexecute and apply teamwork to their game, but could have brought a bettergame to add another win to the season. At the game against Clearfield, Davis won their match with a score of 3-0. They were able to achieve this win by working together as a team and focusing on the game. Let’s continue to bring that kind of game to the rest of the Dart’s Volleyball Season.