The music we listen too

More stories from Max Barnett

Throughout the world and history music has been and still is an extremely important part of humanity. Proof of its existence since the beginning of man has been discovered.  The oldest instrument, is a bone flute from a cave in Germany, carbon dates to 35000 years ago. The first complete musical composition is the Seikilos epitaph its written on a gravestone that resides in modern day turkey, and has been decided to be from the first or second century AD.  the first known written song is cuneiform, a Hurian hymn written 3400 years ago. The credited founder of music itself is Iranian king Jashmid, with his rule during the eliminate empire that existed from 2500 BC to 644 BC, but presumably it existed before then because humans have had vocal chords longer than that.

Quite clearly music has had a major influence on our world. In modern times though, hymns, operas and classical music were the most significant as it started out, but, as we progressed, so did music, leading us to the 1,264 genres we have now.

It has been used a long time as a way of helping to get through work. A great example of this is music that slaves would sing while on the plantation, though just songs at the time, the significance of African american culture in music is substantial. so substantial that in my age group the genres of music they are accredited for is most listened to.

Here in Davis high, I took a poll of 60 students and the outcome of the best wasn’t surprising. Coming in first was rap, with just over a third at 22 people voting it as their favorite. A tie at second place, with country and punk rock with 14 people each, though both of these are much lower nationwide, in Utah culture seems to make them popular. A three way tie comes in at 3rd place, with rock, alternative, and electronic all having 3. Though in third in this sample, nationwide in all age groups, rock makes up 21.7 of favorites, which put it in first. What was even more shocking is what came in last, pop with only 1 person saying it was their favorite, because nationwide, its only 1.6 percent less than rock, so barely number 2.

The United States is a very diverse place, with diverse music choices. My sample did not really reflect our nation at all of all ages, and not too similar to our age group too. The culture here in this area of Davis country though, the culture is very different from the rest of the United States, so maybe its that influencing our favorites, or maybe its just something else.

Whatever it may be, and whatever your favorite genre may be, in the long run it doesn’t matter as long as you like what you listen to.