Boys Soccer Vs Clearfield at Davis
With the Boys Soccer Season nearing the half way point, the Davis High Soccer Team went into spring break with their first loss to Weber High. However that did not stop the team from winning their first game back, putting a win and another shutout onto their record.
Clearfield, the team that usually finishes last every year in 6A, had stepped up and emerged victorious against Syracuse and Northridge. Even though both teams lost their first games against the Darts this season, the team knew Clearfield would at least compete and former assistant coach Kennaley would go down swinging.
Beginning the game, the Darts came out and dominated possession across the field. With the midfield and forward putting unrelenting pressure on the Falcon’s defense, they were lucky to get the ball past half field. If they were the Dart’s defense was there to clean it up. After countless pressure the Flacons, eventually were going to make a mistake and pay for it.
The first goal was scored about halfway through the first half after the ball went out for a throw in down by Clearfields 18 yard line. As Captain Kaden Chino threw the ball in, Midfielder Zach Kennedy flicked the ball across the box to the Darts leading scorer, Josh Harwood. Ending the first half strong and putting the Dart’s one goal closer to winning the game.
While the second half started, so did the rain. If you have ever played soccer on grass while its raining you know that the ball skips and slides faster then it normally would, and turf is is even more of a slick canvas for the soccer ball. While the Dart’s battled to put the game away with another goal, time began to tick and the Falcon’s began to scramble.
With 10 min left Clearfield lost the ball and gave Davis the perfect opportunity for a counter attack. As the through ball was played, Cole Anderl ran onto the ball and slid the ball right under the keeper as he dove. At that moment the Falcons knew there was no coming back and the game was over. While the Darts celebrated their win, each player couldn’t keep their next game against Layton out of their heads.