The girls golf team is ready for a spot at the top

April 9, 2019
For seven years straight, the Davis High girls golf team has gone undefeated against schools across the state. The team works hard to compete against schools across the state and secure a position in the top 5 for state championships. In previous seasons, the team has placed second and third overall at state, but they hope that this state champs will bring them first place.
The golf team has gone undefeated for the seventh season, playing against schools varying from all different parts of the state and school district. The team has been working to become closer and accomplish team goals. With state championships close by, the members of the team are confident in their ability to succeed and take a spot as one of the best teams in Utah.
In the past two years, Davis has taken third and second, but Caylyn Ponich, a member on the golf team, thinks that this year they will take first.
“I think we’ll pull through, our team is pretty stacked,” she commented.
Over the course of the golf season the team has faced several different obstacles, and flourished to become one of the most diligent and successful teams at Davis High.