The Duck

Max Isaacson

More stories from Max Isaacson

Jaxson Rose, is a senior and stellar student here at Davis High. He is an athlete, captain of the lacrosse team, and well known by the students of Davis High.

If the name doesn’t ring a bell, he is better known by “Quack” or “The Duck”. A nickname that caught on in 7th grade, after replacing his head with the one of a duck on his school photo. From then on everyone knew him as “Quack”.

When asked about how he felt about this years lacrosse season he said, “In the four years I’ve played for Davis High, I have never seen the team put more work and time into achieving our goal of winning the state championship.”

Quack, like he said has put in a lot of time and effort into lacrosse. He started playing lacrosse when he was ten years old and started playing lacrosse for Davis as a freshman. Unlike other sports he had played, he liked lacrosse due to its physical nature and fast paced play.

Being a senior, Jaxson plans to enjoy his last year playing defense. He has been preparing for the spring season and state tournament, by playing in the fall season and going to anger management. The team has also stayed in shape during the winter, by conditioning inside the school.

To see the infamous Duck and the rest of the lacrosse team play. Come and support them at their first game Monday, March 4th.