Davis cheer awaits nationals in sunny California
Davis has been known for having an outstanding cheer team in the past, and this year is no different. Our cheerleaders are preparing to head to Anaheim, California and compete at cheer nationals against 12 other high schools.
The nationals competition for the cheer world is critical, as it’s their final competition of the season, and it’s outcome will determine if the team gets to head on to finals or head home. The team will preform one routine packed with excitement and precision from beginning to end.
”We just have one routine, but it has stunting, tumbling, and dancing in it.” Says cheerleader Vienna Franks.
Combining those three aspects will surely give a showstopping performance from our talented cheerleaders, who are hoping for the 2019 title of national champs. Since only one dance per school is preformed, everyone has only one shot to give the judges their all and try to earn a spot in finals. If the team makes it to finals based on their nationals score, they’ll preform the dance again.
Preforming at such big, important competitions can be nerve wracking. But according to Vienna Franks,
”The coaches do a really good job of hyping us up. The coaches have really good attitudes which helps us stay positive and work hard during long practices.”
Last year, the Davis cheer team took home the title of national champions. That title puts a lot of pressure on the team, but they have been working hard and putting their best foot out there to try and defend the title. The focus of their practices to attain that goal has been hitting stunts every time, according to advisor Kassie Davis.
“Our main goal and focus is…doing the best we know how and most importantly, knowing how amazing these 18 girls have worked together and supported one another. Because at the end of the day, we aren’t just creating good cheerleaders, we are creating good people.” says Kassie Davis.
The team effort put in by the girls is matched completely by the coaches. They don’t just coach the girls on their tumbling and technique, but teach the girls important life skills. The team’s philosophy this year has been to never quit, no matter what happens.
“They’ve learned early in life that the difference between winning and losing, is never quitting because if you quit once, it becomes a habit.” says cheer advisor Kassie Davis.
Many may not know this, but cheerleading requires a team to have a huge amount of trust in each team member. Things like stunting would never work if everyone didn’t trust each other. Because of this, attendance for cheerleaders is highly important to help build trust in each other. The Davis cheerleaders have a close friendship they all share, and friendships like that are crucial to preforming better at competitions and throwing stunts every time.
Make sure to wish the cheerleaders good luck and show support for the Darts!