A short preview for the Lover’s Feast
More stories from Carmen Pectol

The Davis High school audidtion choirs are going to present yet another amazing performance this Friday and Saturday: the Lover’s Feast. While this event is held every year, many students at Davis High don’t know what to expect when they walk into the doors of the Feast.
In summary, the evening begins with performances and a 5 course meal provided from servers selected from the choir. Stories are told, songs are sung, and food is served. The performances will last throughout the entire evening and guest activities will be held. The entire commons and cafeteria are designed to look like a castle garden from the Medieval era.
The choirs students start their preparation for the Feast in the weeks beforehand. The students are given roles at the feast and songs to practice. Many detailed, stylized, and ornate decorations are necessary in turning the cafeteria and commons in to a medieval-style interior for the Lover’s Feast, after which everything must be taken down and stored. So much work is put into a spectacular event that will only last for two nights, so make sure you are there to see it.
Tickets for the Feast can be bought online for $25 at dhsboxoffice.com for one of the two Lover’s Feast nights on Friday and Saturday. This is an event you will not want to miss!