Super Toasters

February 4, 2019
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? Here’s what some of your friends from Davis think.
Brooklyn Adams, senior, said “Take a smart persons brain during my tests (especially math) because I want good scores.” Valid point, and likely to be agreed upon as a good and personally useful superpower by many.
Josie Attanasio, also a senior, replied to the question by saying “You know how teletubbies have TVs on their stomachs? Well I want a toaster on my stomach, that way I can shoot my opponents with toast and eat toast whenever I want.” She later added “Or the power to stop anything. Stop time. Stop someone from dying (or living?) but preferably the first one.” An interesting response… to say the very least.
Tate Thomas, senior, says “Invisibility because then I could dodge awkward situations” Good point Tate. Good point.
Georgia Mecham. junior, replied “It would be teleportation! Because I hate driving sometimes and spending all my money on gas. I just wanna get from point A to point B in a second and avoid traffic lights.” Traffic light anxiety or just impatience?
Andie Stocks, Davis high graduate from the class of 2007’s response was “To shoot bees out of my palm when I get mad at someone.” Very unique, and slightly alarming for those who are afraid of bees.
“To be able to be a friend and help everyone… Everyone.” Lindsy Hales, a junior, stated. Arguably the best power anyone could have.