Club Spotlight: FBLA
More stories from Mikaela Laws

What does FBLA stand for?
FBLA is an acronym for Future Business Leaders of America. This is a collective group of students that are eager to learn how to run, grow, and develop a business and the skillset that goes along with it.
FBLA has several events and speakers throughout the year, including several elite business persons and high-profile companies, collage advisors, professors, etc. This club is for those who are potentially going into business as a career, or just to learn a wide variety of skillsets.
Mrs. Ward is the teacher in-charge of this club. She has been able to do many wonderful things and expects only the best for her students. She has been able to organize exclusive events, talks, and opportunities for the members in the FBLA.
FBLA also has a fun aspect to it, every Tuesday at lunch they meet in Mrs. Wards room to discuss different matters or participate in activities, and pizza is usually provided! The best part is this club is open to all who would like to join! The members of FBLA enjoy each others company and have helped each other grow immensely by helping their peers to excel at things they originally lacked confidence in.
FBLA is a phenomenal club that should definitely be considered when trying to decide how to get involved with DHS!