Goatally Awesome
More stories from Alison Gee
Mountain Goats are probably the most underrated creature of all time. They’re majestic, powerful, and graceful. Could you do all that jumping on high mountain ridges? I don’t think so!
The scientific name of the Mountain Goat is Oreamnos americanus. This regal creature does not actually belong to the goat family, but is classified as a goat-antelope. However, they do find a family of up to four goats in the summer. In the winter, these groups join together to form herds.
Mountain Goats are unique in their beautiful ability to look so stupid yet so wonderful. Look at their faces; they’re borderline ugly and they have a dead eye stare that gives the allusion they don’t know or care what’s going on. But they do, they do. The Mountain Goats know.
Found in the mountainous regions of Northern America and Canada, these wooly creatures feed on grass, lichen, moss, and twigs. What a yummy snack! It’s a blessing that they don’t eat long pig. Their black, curled horns are around 10 inches long, and can be up to 30 times larger on a male then on a female.
Mountain Goats have never been hunted or domesticated, but Native Peoples have used wool left behind by wild goats in textiles and clothing.
If I toldĀ you that young Mountain Goat babies are called puppies, I’d be KIDding. They’re called kids. The females (or nannies) and males (billies) mate around October-December. The mating process involves a large amount of fighting and staring.
Now that you know so much about Mountain Goats you’re ready to go out into the world!
PC: earthtouchnews