End of term grind
More stories from Elijah Williamson

Coming back from winter break, is depressing. You just had 2 weeks of no school, 2 holidays, and lots of presents. No homework. Then you come back to school and there is only a week and a half of school. All is good. Then your mom looks at your grades. All the missing assignments, test retakes, work to do. It brings it all crashing down.
Students all talk to teachers before and after class. All asking the same question…
“How do I get my grade up?”
Well that’s where the end of term grind comes in. Kids are all being on there best behavior, sucking up to there teachers. All in the hope of getting a grade up a few percentages.
“I often apologize for my behavior. Ask if I can make up my tardiness. Then I ask for my assignments I have missing. Then I go home and have my mom do it all” says junior Connor Finlinson.
Then we have Ryan Cutright. He is a senior here at Davis. He is all good except for math.
“This is going to be a long week. I have math to do. I can’t wait for next quarter where I can just grind Black Ops 4”
The end of the term is a fun time for students, all cramming in last minute work. Also for the teachers that have to grade it all. Good luck to everyone out there, don’t stay up to late.