5 ways to get in the Christmas spirit!

More stories from Hope Preston

5 ways to get in the Christmas spirit!

This season is one of the favorite times of the year. Snow starts falling, the warmer coats start being warn, and people start drinking more hot chocolate. But also this is a special season, communities gather together, and people serve one another. Fundraisers like sub 4 Santa are awesome ways to reach out to others. Christmas is different from the other seasons of the year. And with it right around the corner, it’s important that we all get in the spirit of Christmas. There’s many ways to do this, here’s 5 examples:

  1. The #1 way recommended to get pumped for Christmas is turning the holiday music on, jamming out to the classic Christmas songs. As buddy the elf said “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” This will really set you in the Christmas spirit mood.
  2. Watch your favorite Christmas movies. Sit down and relax, and just an enjoy a funny, and heart warming movie. This can really set the mood of Christmas. Some examples are: Elf, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and The Christmas Story. This is a really good way to get you in the right mood also.
  3. Spend time helping others. One perfect example is sub for Santa! Reach out to those in need. This will truly get you in the spirit of Christmas. After all that’s what Christmas is truly about.
  4. Buy the people you care about some presents. take time to go out and buy presents for your friends and family. They will be so thankful for you, and it’ll make you happy also.
  5. Do an activity with your family. Spend time with your loved ones and go do a Christmas activity. Go ice skating, caroling, or sledding with them. Be around the people you care about and love.

This season is filled with many activities you could spend your time doing. Christmas is around the corner and it’s important to enjoy this time of year. After all it is “the most wonderful time of year” and we should all enjoy this Christmas season.