The Shmunks

The Shmunks; an insider look at the popular high school senior group (or at least they like to think so). This boys only friend group started around Junior year when two legendary groups (the shmucks and the unks) came together to be one iconic collection of misfit boys.

“This group came together because each of us were misfits, we wouldn’t fit in anywhere else. The only thing all of us have in common with one another is we are all crazy.” says group member Conner Major.

After lunch they have what you call “parking lot parties”. They all gather in south end; they dance, throw things, and yell. Every Tuesday is one of the only reasons Big Daddy’s pizza remains open due to the “Shmunks Big Daddy’s Pizza Day.” They also are involved in lunch group. Lunch group is an organization where each one of their twentyish moms switch off cooking lunch for them.

“We hold an annual Shmunksgiving and Shmunksmas each year where we all get together and feast.” says Levi Rasmussen (Pronounced Levy and requires a fake awkward mustache to be pronounced as such).

These traditions were mentioned by every member of the Shmunks. The first year they hosted Shmunksmas they were kicked out of Walmart for building forts and starting riots. For Shmunksgiving someone always throws up, each one of them pitches in to bring a feast of food. It’s like in the Grinch when he finally cuts the pheasant at the Whooville Christmas Day Feast except there are 7 Grinches.

Each one of these misfits bring a different thing to the group. As an example Adam Johnson brings “Debo mode”, Seth Evans brings a “Sicko mode”, Garrett Cisneros brings “Chowder mode”, and the list goes on. If you are around them in these modes i’d suggest to run, there is no telling what they might do.

On the weekends they like to hang out with the the ladies (which is actually a cardboard cutout of their favorite actresses). They usually gather in the basement of Max Isaacson (a modern day version of Tony Hawk or wannabe surfer) to party, watch movies, and listen to good music.

Personally growing up with this group has been such a great opportunity.  They not only make me laugh but all the others surrounding them. They may cause some trouble but they are all good people. If you have not had a chance to know one of them, i challenge you to do so.

“Shmunks, here now, and forever.” says perfectly by Garrett Cisneros.