Davis High Ceder City Swim Meet
More stories from Kate Wilson

Davis High School’s swim team is one to look out for! We have some fast swimmers that are improving at every meet! You’ll definitely be hearing more about them. Davis had a great time at their meet in Ceder City over November 9th and 10th.
“The meet was very successful. We had lots of team building experiences and bonding on the bus and at dinner the first night. We came out on top and the girls got first place over dozens of schools from all over Utah. Cedar was fun because of the challenge it brought from the many schools. There were multiple personal records set by mostly the seniors. The whole meet went excellent.”
Paden Wilson describes the event
Davis swim team is improving with every meet. While they are constantly learning, and growing stronger individually, they are growing stronger and becoming closer together as a team as well. While they are learning and working hard at practice, they always have fun together. Davis has more meets to come, and you’ll want to see the work they have been putting in because man are the results good! Hard work pays off, Davis Swim team is proof of that!